Annelise Bothner-By
Linda Arnesen
Expology is 13 in Norway
(plus 4 in Sweden/Denmark)
Explogy - consultant company that works with communication, learning and experiences
works with creating a meetingplace for the above
An expologist - analytic and creative
comibnes different spheres and works with interation to customers and different external spheres
Learning Labs - one of the products expology delievers:
- role play games, worked with several large companies for 15 years, for creating exposure / exhibitions
- very often about showing history e.g.: a newspaper - not just history and showing a couple of desks. Show what making a newspaper is all about. Different types of possibilities, but learning by doing is central
- learning is always the central, didactic approach / dramaturgy / technology - a role play for several persons, creating understanding in a joyful way
- Sketching up structures: almost like a stationary narrative, (a rough but very descriptive graphic on how to plan it out)
- Dramaturgy: draw it out as a plot-graph, powerful analysis tool
- Most exhibitions are social, not for teaching people indvidually
- And as always to remember: Know your target group
Example: CocaCola-world - an experience on branding, creating a product.
Another example: vilvite - Bergen vitensenter (vilvite.no), great stuff on memories accesible online afterwards.