Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Timo Arnall talks about RFiD

Check out
the Touch weblog

The tag itself comes in several shapes and forms, but they all contain antenna and memory, batteryless. They have different characteristics / params according to their shapes and sizes.

Different shapes of the readable volumes of the different readers, example: a figure eight shape (aka "the double muffin") The readable volume (unless outside static is present) has a very smooth surface, this means it can be determined to a mm-value whether the tag is within or outside the readable volume. The direction of the tag in accordance to the reader aslo affects the readable volume. This also directly reflects into the formgiving of the reader and the tag in designing systems.

Graphics - love that dashed line, hehe

Examples of different projects / products with rfid:
the cuteness generator
nabaztag and ztamps - by violet
the tikitag
wine and rfid
brio network - mailbox & emo

Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday lectures #3: Expology

Annelise Bothner-By
Linda Arnesen

Expology is 13 in Norway
(plus 4 in Sweden/Denmark)

- consultant company that works with communication, learning and experiences
works with creating a meetingplace for the above
An expologist - analytic and creative
comibnes different spheres and works with interation to customers and different external spheres

Learning Labs
- one of the products expology delievers:
  • role play games, worked with several large companies for 15 years, for creating exposure / exhibitions
  • very often about showing history e.g.: a newspaper - not just history and showing a couple of desks. Show what making a newspaper is all about. Different types of possibilities, but learning by doing is central
  • learning is always the central, didactic approach / dramaturgy / technology - a role play for several persons, creating understanding in a joyful way
  • Sketching up structures: almost like a stationary narrative, (a rough but very descriptive graphic on how to plan it out)
  • Dramaturgy: draw it out as a plot-graph, powerful analysis tool
  • Most exhibitions are social, not for teaching people indvidually
  • And as always to remember: Know your target group
Example: CocaCola-world - an experience on branding, creating a product.
Another example: vilvite - Bergen vitensenter (, great stuff on memories accesible online afterwards.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

And now ... ARDUINO!!!

_DSC2767, originally uploaded by pedert.

Jup, this week has been all about getting that board, those wires and that code to work out. Weird though, I always thought code was not for me, ever since those early, fumbling steps in processing. But now, the story is something completely different, like visiting an old foe and finding him to be like the long lost brother. No, but seriously, code is much better the second time around, and when you actually link it to something physically it might in fact be something I'll be able to do in the end. So, Watz, I hereby come crawling back to the cross...

Previous week, no tangible interacting and no posting...

_DSC0271, originally uploaded by pedert.

... and there´s a reason for it: I worked on making AHO´s representation at Gave&Interiørmessa@Lillestrøm to display our projects from the autumn course 2008 at AHO, Teknoform. It took up a lot of time and energy so I´m sorry for the pause in posts those days.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday lectures #2: Photo booth / Sniff / Film

Today´s speakers:

1.) Einar and Timo - Photobooth
2.) Sara Johansson - Sniff
3.) André Granly and Sara Johansson

Einar and Timo talked about a project from Picnic´07 called the Photobooth. I think it´s great with that link between the individual tag, the prosess of taking pictures in a very open photo booth and in the end finding them on flickr.

A rfid project for kids with impaired vision. Not the first time I have had it presented to me, but I realized something new this time: the physical-ness of the interaction is what really appeals to me with this project. Hide-tech and great response is just fantastic when it works as well as it does in this one.

A system for creating, storing, going about your ideas. A collaboration with nfi (norsk film institutt). A good example of the blog as a tool creative prosesses. Note to myself: Need to blog-a-lot in the fututre.
Their project manifestation (interaction piece) of this film stuff became a diploma project based on the theme "interactive opplevelser på filmmuseet" which is a kind of holding-hands-through-boxes-passing-on-films project

Task #1, Week 3

The first task in this course was to explore / analyze a couple of interactive installations. I did this together with Silje and we chose to do one very techy and advanced one, plus a very basic, but beatuiful input-response one: "Nøklingsstudioet" at NRK Experience centre and the sound sculpture at Nationaltheateret trainstation, entrance West. The presentation (w/o movies) can be downloaded from this link Task#1Week3 and the movies (the first two are unfortunately huge) can be downloaded here: first, second, third and fourth movie.

Torshov kompetansesenter pt.2: A supergreat instrument!

_DSC0074, originally uploaded by pedert.

As I was talking about in the previous post, Torshov Kompetansesenter has a lot of great "toys", this is one of them. It is not really a very toy-ish thing, it is in fact a real musical instrument. And what an instrument! You sit on the end of the box and you hit the bars / tines cut out from the top of the box. You can also play two people on the box at the same time, sitting opposed to one another. The sensation of feeling the vibrations from that huge resonating box and hearing that great voluminous, yet mellow, sound is fantastic! Ill try to figure out what the producer is called, but as of right now I cannot remember.

Torshov kompetansesenter pt.1: Love the ambience

_DSC0104, originally uploaded by pedert.

We went to visit Torsho Kompetansesenter on wedn. the 14. of Jan and the experience was lovely. It is a place for people with disabilities to experience great sensory input and stimulance. I especially enjoyed all the ambient stuff: music, lights, tactile surfaces and so on.. But they had some really great "toys" as well. Everyone should have some of these things in their homes, the world would become a better place:-0. The image above shows some fiberoptics which you could actually wrap your self in, see more on my flickr stream.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Sound sculpture at Nationaltheateret train station

_DSC0091, originally uploaded by pedert.

We went to experience / analyze the sound sculpture at the west entrance (next to the American embassy) of Nationatheateret train station. The shape of the roof reflects sound with different volume and timing in accordance to how you have positioned yourself. The result is a sweet, a bit wierd but natural reverb-ish effect. It is quite nice, I recommend it.

The weather reporters POV

_DSC0045, originally uploaded by pedert.

Looking into the lights and cameras from the NRK experience centre, an instillation letting visitors experience how it is to be in front of the green screen

A post moved from another blog service

Vælkømmin ijnn!

Never been big on bloggin´, but that shall not stop me from doing better this time… In advance, please excuse my rather irratic posting frequency, I cannot help it. Maybe some some sort of interesting content will surface in my postings, but I really cannot promise that either. Take what you get, I make (as you might now have already understood) no promises! Nonetheless, you are welcome in for a cup ´o babble!

A move from another blog-service

I did a move to blogger because of a couple of ease-of-use aspects.